Create your account or access existing accounts.
If your organization or team member already has a True Impact account, request that they add you as a user to the existing account by following these steps.
Creating a New Account
- On the main login page, click "Sign Up"
- Select your role (as a grantee, you will select "Nonprofit").
- Complete the required fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Organization Name.
- Create a password that meets the displayed requirements.
- Click "Sign Up"

Accessing an Existing Account
Please note, if you have a Legacy account with True Impact, your existing login will work for the updated platform.
However, if you need to reset your password before accessing the updated platform for the first time, you will first need to reset it in the Legacy account and then use that login email and password in the new platform.
- Open the login page.
- Enter your email address.
- Enter your password.
- Click "Log In".