How do I create a Social Impact Report when my program or grant period has only recently started or isn't yet complete?

I've been asked to create a Social Impact report but I'm at the start of my program period or grant period or it isn't yet complete. How am I supposed to report out on my program?

True Impact's reporting system guides you through creating a Social Impact report no matter what stage of program implementation you're in. If you are just starting your program/grant period or if your program/grant period is underway but not complete, you'll want to create an Initial or Interim report instead of a Final Report. Initial and Interim reports are projections of your anticipated outcomes.
So what is the difference between the two?
Initial Reports
An Initial report is created at the start of your program period or grant agreement and is usually aligned closely with what you proposed your program would achieve when applying for funds. You'll want to select "Initial" in the Overview section under "Stage." In the Outcomes section, you'll want to forecast your anticipated outcomes with the understanding that these projections represent your best forecast of impact. These details will likely align with what you proposed you would achieve in your application for funding. In the measurement details of your Outcomes section, you'll want to describe how you plan to measure your outcomes.
Interim Reports
An Interim report is created when program implementation is underway but not yet complete. Interim reports are a projection of impact based on how implementation has gone so far. You're still projecting what you anticipate the program will achieve (and thus the interim report will likely be closely aligned to your proposal) but the interim report's projections should also capture any refinements to your projections based on how implementation has gone so far. If there were any hiccups at the start of the program or unexpected circumstances that have changed what your program will likely achieve, your interim report should include those informed projections. In the measurement details of your Outcomes section, you'll want to describe how you are currently measuring your outcomes. 
To summarize 
By creating an initial or interim report at the beginning or midpoint of your program, you are able to outline your theory of change (in the Outcomes section) and define the expected impacts of your program. You'll then be able to update those projections with actuals once your program period is complete in a Final Report update. Getting a head start on constructing your logic model will make for a less-burdensome final reporting process. When the program period or grant period is complete, you'll simply log in, review what you entered previously and update any projections with the actual achieved outcomes.