These resources can help you tell the story of your program's impact.
Each link contains evidence, research, or tools that can strengthen your measurement practices or help connect the dots between your program's activities and research or evidence of impact. View additional resources here.
Measurement Toolkits
- Monitor and Evaluation Toolkit (a design kit from to facilitate the development of quantitative metrics to track against your program targets)
- Theory of Change Toolkit (a design kit from to facilitate the development of our theory of change from inputs to impacts)
- Better Results Toolkit (resources from Learning for Action to create your core theory of change)
Demographics and Maps
- Urban Institute Interactive maps (interactive maps on the state of metropolitan economies)
- Census "Quick Facts" (QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more)
Evidence-based programs
- What works for health (evidence-based health interventions)
- What works for re-entry (tools and data resources for criminal justice and related fields)
- What works for youth development (evidence-based interventions to support healthy youth development)
- What works for education (The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviews the existing research on different programs, products, practices, and policies in education)
- Mathematica Policy Evidence Library (evidence on health, human services, and international topics)
- J-PAL Evaluations (The Poverty Action Lab's database of randomized evaluations conducted in 93 countries)
- Child Trends Indicator Databank (a resource for indicators of child and family well-being and associated measures)
- Issue Lab (free research from social sectors around the world)
- Food Waste Calculator (a resource to calculate the CO2e, gallons of water, and meals recovered through a reduction in food waste)