How to complete the Reach stage in the Impact Model
Reach Overview:
This stage in the impact model is the first phase where you should focus on those being directly served through your programming. It is often the largest number in the report because it's the broadest scope: anyone that was touched by your program.
Key Considerations:
Who/how many people in total will be served through your programming or services?
Q: Does this section need to be included in the logic mode?
A: Yes, the Reach stage is one of the two required stages for your impact model.
Q: What is the difference between Reach and Succeed?
A: While Succeed will focus on your ultimate outcomes of the work and social impacts, Reach encompasses anyone that was served by your program or services.
Q: What if we who we reach is different than the end beneficiaries?
A: If you serve an intermediary group (for example, you train teachers who then reach students) you will represent teachers in the Reach stage and students in the Succeed stage.