Provide Report Feedback

Provide feedback on your grantees reports in True Impact.

Access and Filter Reports

Click the True Impact logo to go to the homepage, then select the Feedback tab. Use the filters to find specific reports.

Filter by status, program name, due date, and other criteria. Click Clear Filters to reset.

Providing Feedback

  1. Select the report you wish to review.
  2. Navigate through report sections using the dropdown menu and the Next Section and Previous Section buttons.
  3. Click on a comment marker to view existing feedback from True Impact staff. You can reply directly to these comments using the threading feature to create a discussion.
  4. Add your own comments in the text box.
  5. Click Save after entering each comment. If you agree with True Impact's feedback, note your agreement in the comment thread.
  6. After adding all comments, click Done With Feedback.
  7. When you are ready for the grantee to see your feedback, click Send feedback. A confirmation message appears.