Clone Your Past Reports

To save you time, you can clone past reports in True Impact so you are not starting from scratch! Review this resource to learn more.

Cloning a report in True Impact's new platform:

  1. Log into your True Impact account
  2. Click into your "Reports" tab
  3. Find the report you want to clone and take the following steps depending on what sort of report it is:
    1. Legacy report (will have a small tag next to the report name labeled "Legacy")
    2. Non-legacy (any reports without a "Legacy" tag are non-legacy reports)

Non-legacy report cloning:

  1. Click the "Clone" icon on the far right of the reports table for the specific report you want to copy
  2. Decide if you want to clone to the existing program the original report is created within, or a new program
  3. Select which year you want your new, cloned report to cover (only years without an existing program report will be available)
  4. Click "Clone"
  5. You will be prompted to open up the report to start your editing. The following things are what you should focus on updating for the new program year:
    1. Dates: Should be updated based on the new year you selected for this report, but double check that they do in fact cover the correct dates
    2. Impact Summary: Only if you want to make changes to the structure of the model (add new indicators, remove indicators, etc.)
    3. Impact Details: Most commonly needing to be updated is the forecast of the indicators in your model. Update to reflect the new report year you created the clone for.
    4. Beneficiaries: If you anticipate changes in your demographic selections, you can update here.
    5. Budget: If you anticipate changes in the cost of the program, you can update here.
    6. Narrative: If you are creating a final report, you'll need to add this section to your report.
  6. Once done making your updates, feel free to download your report to review and submit when ready.

Legacy report cloning:

  1. Click the "Clone" icon on the far right of the reports table for the specific report you want to copy
  2. Decide if you want to clone to the existing program the original report is created within, or a new program
  3. Select which year you want your new, cloned report to cover (only years without an existing program report will be available)
  4. Click "Clone"
  5. You will be prompted to open up the report to start your editing. The following things are what you should focus on updating for the new program year:
    1. Dates: Should be updated based on the new year you selected for this report, but double check that they do in fact cover the correct dates
    2. Locations: While your locations should clone over just fine, a new addition to the updated platform is adding percentages by location. Please add this to your new cloned report. 
    3. Activities: Double check that all original items cloned over from the Legacy platform accurately. 
    4. Impact Summary: Double check that your model looks right - with the transition from our old platform to the new platform, we made some updates to our library which means some of your indicators or models may have been modified. We encourage you to double check for these changes.
    5. Impact Details: The forecasts and measurement types will need to be added to this cloned version of the report. 
    6. Beneficiaries: Some of our beneficiary categories are changing, so double check that they cloned over from our Legacy platform accurately and make any necessary updates.
    7. Budget: If you anticipate changes in the cost of the program, you can update here.
    8. Narrative: If you are creating a final report, you'll need to add this section to your report.
  6. Once done making your updates, feel free to download your report to review and submit when ready.