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  3. True Impact's Logic Model Approach

Act Stage

How to complete the Act stage in the Logic Model

Act Overview:

The Act stage encompasses the number of people who as a result of programming  take action or change behavior in order to achieve success. This is an optional stage in your logic model.

Key Considerations:

Of those reached through your work, is there a behavior change aspect built into your theory of change? If not, this does not need to be included in your logic model.


Q: Does this section need to be included in our logic model?
A: No, this section is optional and you can leave it unchecked if there are no indicators that feel relevant for your program. 

Q: What is the difference between Act and Succeed?
A: Act is an interim outcome whereas Succeed is the end outcome. Act is not required in your logic model, but if there is behavior change aspect in your theory of change, you can include this stage.